Either my brain is programmed to like ugly things, or all those haters out there are missing something, but I luv this giant, including its looks! Suck it, if-it-ain't-Boeing-I-ain't-going-ers!
As they say..."concentrate really hard, and you might just see a Cessna in this image". Happy to report that I'm asexual, so I can see the Cessna just fine. Also, that terrain is fantastic, almost as convincing as the pictures I like tot take during my yearly spring hillside outings.
What a breathtaking perspective! I love those sober clouds, which reveal just enough of the shaded terrain to make for a fantastic view, aided by the BN-2, of course!
Offense?! HA! You guys are the ones who always need to resort to the latest drugs to keep you from having seizures, us die-hard FS9ers...naaah, a lite and primitive drug calms us down right away, and keeps us in check. Just kidding my friend; I consider FS9's pain vs gain ratio to be just enough and properly balanced for my home flight simulation needs, as well as my nerves, patience and spare time. I simply wouldn't cope with more complexity that keeps getting updated almost on a daily basis, having to constantly start all over again all the time, because I just don't have the nerves nor the time for it. And one more thing, with the right addons, FS9 can look pretty darn good, which is why Darren hasn't even noticed I'm actually using FS9.